San Diego Water Polo: Dive In and Transform

How to Get Good at Water Polo: Secrets I've Learned Over the Years

A lot of kids out there don't know how to get good at water polo. And so, in this series of blogs, I'm going to share the secrets that I've learned over the years. Here's the first one: how to get good at water polo.

Secret 1: Observe and Learn from Others

The secret is pretty obvious. You just need to take a moment and look at what everyone else is doing. It's pretty available to you. In San Diego, for example, you can see what Shores, Cathedral, and La Jolla are doing. You can see how much they practice.

Secret 2: Extra Practice Makes All the Difference

You just need to practice extra: three times a week, 30 minutes extra each time. This additional practice will make you better over time. It's pretty obvious, but very few people execute on it.

Overcoming Obstacles: Believing in Yourself

One of the obstacles to overcome is your own belief that you're not good enough or that you don't deserve to be better. This is not true. It doesn't matter if someone is faster, stronger, or a better shooter. If you put in the practice time, you'll get an opportunity to outshine them.

All you need to win in a water polo game is to string together a couple of those opportunities. Trust me, I know.

Jesse Smith